It ain’t over till…

I’m baffled and honoured! Someone out there chose to pay for this site to run another year. Mystery dude – I am thankful! This is probably the single greatest acknowledgement the work here has ever gotten. 🙏🏻🍕🦕🦖

It’s been a long day here. But someone has chosen to keep this site alive. And that in itself is invigorating.

I currently out of money and don’t have a computer or graphics software, but I’m hoping to get back to it.

I don’t quite know what the future will bring, but I’m hoping to get back to writing scenarios, campaigns and so on.

The 40k 2nd edition army challenge has a new home on and Dennis is doing a stellar job of moderating it. (Except it is a little hard to navigate and find old pages – you’ll get around that at some point I’m sure).  I don’t see that returning here.

Yours truly till the fat lady sings,

Dr. The Viking

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