6 mm VSF and big changes!

 I’ve made the decision to change the way I go about my hobby. I simply don’t have the time anymore and that means that I need to structure things a bit more. Instead of the old ‘working on 20 odd at any one point’ I’ll stick it all in boxes (nearly there) and just do 3 projects at once. Slavering on till it’s done.

These three projects will – for now – be 6 mm VSF, Scavenge Skirmish Survive and Zorro Skirmish. The rest of my projects won’t get any attention until I finish one of the above. Also I will play at least 10 games using each setup before I can it and start something new.

Why all the fuss? Well the other day I just looked around my basement and considered the fact that I have not finished a single project since The Vikings vs. Owlbears game in 2010! So I suppose it’s about time I get something done.

I actually managed to finish a few bits for 6 mm VSF too. Here’s the British command base. I’m going to play using the Grande Armée rules.

 I really love how the bases in Grande Armée can be made to look like little dioramas.

A lone guard on duty is pacing to and fro. 

 I also made some city bases to be used for major cities in the game. They’re of course representative and look like hamlets rather than cities… but that’s the way of wargaming!

 I have a small figure that could be Gordon, but I’m in two minds about putting it at the top of the stairs. Reason mainly that these would also work nicely for 6mm modern stuff or WWII.


  1. Yeah, well. They were hardly projects in the way I mean though. When I say project I mean something I bring along to demo at conventions – boards, sides and terrain… The full monty you know 😉


  2. I'm glad that I'm not the only one experiencing a bit of under-achievement in the fininshing dept. My projects tend to run for years with on-and-off periods. On the upside, I slowly have accumulated a collection of rulesets that let me use some of the stuff I did for old un-finished projects 😀
